
A technical error has occurred!

To correct the error, please send us an with the following information:

  • Error code (see below)
  • Date and time when the error occurred
  • Platform on which the error occurred (Federal Gazette, Publication Platform or Company register), with screenshot of the page or copy of the URL
  • Browser you are using
  • If you have an account and are logged in: The customer number and email address (user name, if applicable) stored in your account.
  • A brief description of what you clicked on and what information, if any, you entered in a form before the error occurred.

Please also let us know if the error still occurs after a repeated attempt.

Thank you very much.

Error code: 7b605d93-b216-4224-a1a4-cc19ef4880b8
Date: 2024-06-01T04:59:12