The Company Register offers the ability to conduct an advanced search for specific content and dates of disclosures, publications, capital market and register information and legally relevant company data from various areas.
The search results are sorted according to relevance and can be narrowed by company and publication data. Via the search results you also have access to register information of the register courts, such as the CP (current version) of a company with an overview of all currently valid entries.
For announcements in bankruptcy, full enforcement and comparison procedures as well as failures, the method of electronic publication is guided by the legal provisions. Within 2 weeks after the first day of publication, you can conduct an unlimited search for disclosures. After this period has expired, a search of the entire database is still permitted, but only by a search function for certain prescribed search criteria. Furthermore, official publication on the internet is subject to strict deletion periods.
You can find information to search for deposited annual financial statement documents under Deposited annual financial statement documents
Security query
If you want to retrieve accounting documents and company reports or company carrier data, it is necessary for security reasons that you solve a security query. The exact procedure will be explained to you during the query.
If you have any questions, please call our service number.
The following areas can be searched:
- Accounting / financial reports
- Annual financial statements and other accounting documents as well as company reports
- Announcements by authorities under the Securities Trading Act and the Investment Schemes Act - Register disclosures
- Company announcements
- notices under company law and entries published in the shareholders' forum - Capital market information
- Notifications of publications under capital market law
- Publications of companies under the Securities Trading Act and the Investment Act, of bidders, companies, management boards and supervisory boards under the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act as well as publications under the Stock Exchange Admission Ordinance
- Publications and other information made available to the public pursuant to the Securities Trading Act - Register information
- Entries in the trade, cooperative, corporation and partnership register as well as documents submitted therein - Fund information
- Announcements and publications by capital management companies and externally managed investment companies pursuant to the German Investment Code, the German Investment Act and the German Investment Tax Act - Insolvencies
- Notices of the insolvency courts pursuant to the Insolvency Code, i.e. notices in insolvency, bankruptcy and composition proceedings and bankruptcies
Prior to 1 January 2007, branch establishments were recorded as independent companies in the Companies Registry responsible for their place of business ("old law"). Beginning 1 January 2007, branch establishments are registered only with the Companies Registry responsible for the main office's place of business ("new law").
This means that branch establishments that were registered pursuant to the "old law" have been expunged from the prior Companies Registry and re-registered pursuant to the "new law" on the folio of the main office as a current branch office. Therefore, "new law" branch establishments (as of 1 January 2007) can be found only as "appendages" to main establishments and no longer as independent entities.
This has the following impact on search functionality and search results:
Search function
You should be aware that for branch establishments (company name of the branch office), the features (search criteria), the Companies Registry where it is registered, the type and number of registration, and legal form are linked to the main office and can be found via the latter.
Linkage does not include a company's place of business or the state where it is located. This information always relates to the searched company and can't be combined with other criteria on the search form, such as, for example, name of branch office with location of main office.
A further exception is company address. Address data - such as street, postal code, and city - always relates to the main office. A search for data on branch establishments won't return any results.
Company filings are normally to be found only via the main establishments.
Old-law branch establishments (prior to 1 January 2007) are now found in the Companies Registry only with the status "expunged".
Search results
Branch establishments are designated as such in search results. In searching Companies Registry information, branch establishments are shown under the respective main office.
We can help you
Our service number: 0 800 - 1 23 43 44 Mon - Fri, 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, free of charge from a German landline
From outside Germany: +49 221 - 9 76 68-0 fees apply
In case of problems, valuable information can be found in the area of FAQ.