
Important: Accounting documents and company reports for financial years beginning after 31 December 2021 must only be submitted to the Company register since the DiRUG (Act on the Implementation of the Digitalisation Directive) came into force on 1 August 2022. Accounting documents and company reports with a financial year beginning before 01.01.2022 must continue to be submitted to the Federal Gazette. The Balance Sheet Navigator, which you can access via the start page of the publication platform, provides support in determining the disclosure medium to which you must submit your documents.

Have to transmit to the Company register:

- Companies that have to disclose accounting documents and company reports (more information on this can be found on the publication platform under "Useful information - How it works - Annual financial statement disclosure regulations").

- Securities issuers under the WpHG and other legal entities that must transmit capital market information to the Company register. Notifications published in the Federal Gazette are automatically entered in the Company register. Issuers thus only have to transmit directly to the Company register the information that was not already required to be published in the Federal Gazette.

In order to submit orders for inclusion in the Company register, a one-time registration resp. identification is necessary.

To the registration

The order must be transmitted via the publication platform ( or via software interface (web service). The transmission for inclusion in the Company register requires a clear order, especially regarding the scope of what or which documents are to be included. The Company Register Ordinance (URV) and the Justizverwaltungskostengesetz (Justice Administration Costs Act) apply.

To the Publication Platform

The relevant file format for transmissions is "XML" (Exception: annual financial reports and accounting documents of domestic issuers in the ESEF format "XHTML"). They may also submit other known formats (PDF and Office). For this purpose, the register-keeping office offers, pursuant to section 15 URV, a conversion service into the format specified pursuant to section 11 URV as well as graphic and design services to those obliged to publish or disclose. Submission of documents in paper form is not possible. The fees for these services can be found in the overview Terms of Use.


We can help you

Our service number: 0 800 - 1 23 43 44 Mon - Fri, 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, free of charge from a German landline

From outside Germany: +49 221 - 9 76 68-0 fees apply

In case of problems, valuable information can be found in the area of FAQ.

Publish annual financial statement

You can submit annual financial statements subject to disclosure requirements via the publication platform.

To publication platform

Submit to the Company Register

Publication and deposit orders for the Company Register you can submit via the Publication Platform.

To the Publication Platform

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